AZ Pandemic Numbers Summary for the Seven Days Ending June 29: Most Measures Increasing—Especially Wastewater


Here are the Arizona pandemic numbers and graph of statewide cases for the seven day period ending yesterday:

Last week it looked like things were possibly moderating, but this week makes it clear that was an anomaly. There are only two measures heading in the right direction.  

Hospital beds are down a fraction of a percent from last week. This is further evidence of what I suggested a couple of weeks ago, that we are not seeing an exponential increase in hospital utilization this time around.

The other number that is down is Mohave County wastewater, but it's only down a little after setting a new 2022 record last week. Pima and Yavapai wastewater levels set new 2022 records, and Tempe is up substantially meaning there is lots of the bug out there in the community (here is an explainer on wastewater surveillance).  

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