AZ Pandemic Numbers for the Week Ending August 14—Is the Curve Flattening?


Here are the Arizona pandemic summary numbers for the week just ended:

There are some encouraging signs here, for a change.  Maricopa County cases were up, but only by a fraction.  Statewide new cases were level, and the positive test percentage actually declined.  It's all about Delta in State 48 right now.  Hospital beds increase by about the same percentage as over the last few weeks, so it's encouraging that this number is not spiking along with the cases.

Could this mean Arizona's third surge is leveling out?  It's not a good idea to be hasty with conclusions like this but there is at least some reason the be hopeful.  Here is a graph of the 7-day trailing average of cases statewide over the last month and a half (data from ASU dasboard):

It sure looks like something changed about a week ago.  Let's hope it holds up!

On the vaccination front, more disappointment.  Here's the accelerometer:

We did a little better than the last two week, but it's still only a fraction-of-a-percent increase in people who have had both shots. It seems pretty clear that we've reached all the people who want to do the right thing. To take care of the rest I suppose we will have to rely on employer mandates, inoculation by the bug, or death from the bug.

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