Celebrating (?) a Year of Pandemic Blogging


I started this blog one year ago today. Well OK, there were a couple posts in December 2020, but that was a false start. Regular daily posts started on January 6, 2021. That's perhaps an inauspicious birthday because it's the same day T**** directed a treasonous mob to stage an insurrection at the Capitol.

Anyway, as it says in the "about the blog," I started it because I was kind of obsessing about the  pandemic and reading all I could about it. The blog functioned as an outlet for all the information I was consuming as I was hunkering down at home, and I thought it might be of some modest help to others.

One year ago, I never dreamed that I would still be blogging a year later! Like a lot of other people I was kind of naïve, thinking that with the vaccines coming the Apocalypse would be over in a few of months. Just goes to show how wrong a person can be.

I've enjoyed writing all of the posts (284 including this one) I've done. This is a kind of writing academics don't normally get to do, so it's a nice change of pace.

I'm also grateful to my Senior Foreign Correspondents—SalishSailor, PBRMaria Iovine, Kaigai, and Cuitláhuac. It's always interesting to hear perspectives from other parts of the world.

Here are a few of my most-read posts:

And finally, here are a few of my personal favorite posts, which I like mostly because they are funny and/or ridiculous:
Thank you for your patronage. It would be hard to keep doing this if no one was reading. My most fervent hope is that very soon there won't be a reason to write these posts anymore!

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