COVID-19 is ruining orgies now


COVID-19 has ruined just about everything people enjoy doing together: Holidays, weddings, funerals, team sports, travel, meetings, and so on.  Why should orgies be any different?  Bizarrely, two stories on just that subject have popped up recently.  

The first involves a swinger group.  They usually got together every year, but had been holding virtual events due to the pandemic.  Presumably frustrated with events where there was no actual swinging going on, they decided to hold an in-person convention in a New Orleans hotel.

The organizer reported on his blog that they were being really careful, with masks, temperature checks, hand sanitation, occupancy limits, etc. As you've probably already guessed, it resulted in a superspreader event with  41 infections among a group of 250-300.  The organizer shared the rules, I guess in case you want to host your own swinger-oriented superspreader event.

The second story comes from Hungary where Jozsef Szajer attended a same-sex orgy in Brussels.  IMO there's nothing wrong with that if all participants are consenting (your mileage may vary).  But there were some problems.  First, Mr. Szajer is a member of the European Parliament.   

Second he represents Hungary and is a member of Victor Orban's ruling Fidesz party.  Orban is an ultra-conservative,  and his party is sort of like Trump's Republican party only more so. Suffice it to say they're not down with the gay lifestyle.  

Third, he was publicly anti-homosexual, helping author an amendment to the Hungarian constitution banning same-sex marriage.  Oops.  Did I mention he had some ecstacy in his backpack?  Oops again!

We know all this because police raided the party for violating virus lockdown rules.  They said he was apprehended "fleeing along a gutter" with bloody hands.  He has resigned.  

Updated 1/9/21 to replace image.  "Paralized orgy" by Marcus Hansson is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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