AZ Pandemic Numbers Summary for the Seven Days Ending January 25: Small Increases in Some Measures

Here are the Arizona pandemic numbers and graph of statewide cases for the seven day period ending Wednesday: Cases at both the Maricopa County and statewide levels are up a little. The percentage increases look large but that's because the increase is calculated against a very small number to begin with. Both measures are up by only about 1.5 per 100K. Death rates are up a little over the week, but they are level over a month. Hospital beds continues to decline, and I view that as the most valid indicator of serious infections. Most of the wastewater signals are down. Tempe did not report new data this week for some reason. So is this it, or are we in for another surge based on new variants? After not updating over the holidays, Lim Lab has brought their AZ variants page up to January 9. True to predictions, a number of sons-of-omicron are taking over. The one virologists have been fretting about the most , XBB.1.5, accounted for just ov...