AZ Pandemic Numbers Summary for the Seven Days Ending January 18: All Measures Down Except...
Apologies for the delay posting got the better of me on Thursday. But hey, it's a pleasure to make this report today even if I'm a little tardy.
Every measure is down over a week and a month except for one fly in the ointment: Deaths. I can't remember the last time the number were so green.
The death rate, too, is down over a week, but it's up 17% over the month. As noted here many times before, my understanding is that due to AzDHS sloppy reporting practices there is no telling when these deaths happened.
One other note: Check out the difference in the case graph between the between the right end (today) and the left end (one year ago). Then, we were at the peak of the Omicron wave. What a difference a year makes!