AZ Pandemic Numbers Summary for the Seven Days Ending December 7: Trends are Back Up


Here are the Arizona pandemic numbers and graph of statewide cases for the seven day period ending Wednesday:

Sorry this is posted later than usual. The power company cut my cable line and I've been without internet since Tuesday.

This week everything except two wastewater measurements are back on the increase after some decreases last week. I suspected this because last week's data included a holiday and this slows down reporting.

That said, cases had been increasing at a rate of 25-30% per week. That's what it is this week so we did not double these figures like we have have after previous holiday reporting lulls. Maybe this wave is cresting? We can only hope.

There are two other notable figures. First, the death rate nearly doubled. Second, Pima set a new 2022 record for wastewater.  Be careful out there.

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