Authoritarian Cave-In Weekend: China Punting on COVID Restrictions

This appears to be cave-in weekend for authoritarians around the world. First, Iran's attorney general announced it would abolish its "morality police." Then China announced it was going to back off its zero-COVID policy.

It doesn't appear that all restrictions are being lifted everywhere. Instead the plan is to make the policy "more targeted and less onerous." Still the reversal seems significant, with restrictions—including the requirement to test negative before venturing anywhere in public—being lifted in most major cities.

The authorities are spinning this as evidence of a "win" of sorts. The idea is that China weathered the Delta storm and can now relax because the Omicron variant is less deadly. 

That is pretty much hogwash, according to Linda Bauld, professor of public health at Edinburgh University: “With Omicron, certainly from the studies [so far], there may be some small reduction in disease severity but not a huge one.”

It's good to see Mr. Xi take one up the posterior and it's nice for the Chinese people go get some relief. But public health people are fretting about a change of this scale.

The problem is that China has a low vaccination rate, with "only 68.7 per cent of people over 60 have had three doses of a Covid-19 vaccine, official figures show. For those aged 80 and over, only 40.4 per cent have had three shots."

Not only that, people there are vaccinated with the older-technology Chinese vaccines. These are less effective than Western mRNA vaccines, particularly with fewer doses

With China's huge population, low vaccination rates, and less effective vaccines, there is worry the country may provide a breeding ground for new, more deadly variants. “Gaps in testing ... and vaccination are continuing to create the perfect conditions for a new variant of concern to emerge that could cause significant mortality,” said WHO Director General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Awesome!

So here's hoping the change in policy doesn't create the "China Virus" 2.0. If it does, Senior Southeast Asia Correspondent PBR worries about China relaxing travel restrictions:

I don't know what their new rules are for international travel—most have not traveled for fear of what they have to go through when they get back to China. If the relaxed rules means most will travel, we are fucked.

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