If You're 50+ CDC Now Says Definitely Go Get your Second Booster


The CDC has not done the best job of communicating its pandemic advice, frequently changing its mind. Who can forget in 2020 when they said we did not need to wear masks, only to change course and say we did need to wear them after all? In April 2021 they said vaccinated people should wear masks indoors, then two weeks later changed and said they didn't have to, then a month later changed and said they did.

To be fair, they are working in a high-uncertainty environment. They don't call it the "novel" coronavirus for nothing.

Now we have another change on the second vaccine booster. Up until now they've said it's only recommended for people over 65 or with underlying conditions. 

This week that changed that to say people 50 and over should definitely get their second booster. The stated reasons for the change are a recent increase in cases and a “a steep and substantial increase in hospitalizations for older Americans.” 

I know all kinds of people who have recently been infected, including a friend who is 75 and had already gotten his second booster. To a person they describe it as being like a bad cold.

I have been holding off till there are signs of a new wave here, which there now are. I'm going to do it, but I have mixed feelings. Some immunologists believe multiple boosters come with diminishing returns. I wonder what will happen if some more deadly variant crops up over the summer.

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