AZ Pandemic Numbers Summary for the Seven Days Ending May 25: Early Indicators Leveling Off?

Here are the Arizona pandemic numbers and graph of statewide cases for the seven day period ending yesterday:

Just a couple of notes about the table. First, I have changed the one and four week absolute change values to percent increase/decrease. So for Maricopa County cases, the rate has increased by 8.9 from last week. If we divide by last week's rate and multiply by 100, we see that is a 52.1% increase. To me this is a little more meaningful than the raw number.

Second, Sonora Quest has not updated its dashboard since I reported the values last week so I have not current or change values for that.  For what it's worth, Maricopa country reports 19% positivity, about the same as the last Sonora Quest report.

Cases, deaths, and hospitalizations are all up. But those are lagging indicators, probably the result of what has happened over the last few weeks.

The possibly good news is that (as just mentioned) positive tests may be stabilizing. Also wastewater signals have decreased in Pima and Yavapai counties. The signal in Tempe has increased by about 25%, but that is much better than last week when it increased about 200%.

If these trends continue, maybe this will be more of a blip than a wave. I sure hope so.

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