AZ Pandemic Numbers Summary for the Seven Days Ending April 6: Are We Getting an Early Warning?


Here are the Arizona pandemic numbers and graph of statewide cases for the seven day period ending yesterday, as well as the most recent update of Pima County (it's back!) and Tempe wastewater surveillance:

The table looks pretty good. The statewide case rate is down again, though looking at the case graph I note not back on the track is was on before last week's anomaly increase (due to adding old data). Death rates are up a little but only a fraction of a percent. Hospitalizations are level.

The Pima County wastewater data has been restored at the CDC site. It's chart shows a kind of alarming increase of 1200% - 1800% over the last couple of weeks. 

The same does not appear in the Tempe data. But if you look at their dashboard, which breaks out specific areas, there may be some action in the one covering South Tempe (my chart averages all areas). 

Let's hope this is not an early warning of a new wave!

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