AZ Pandemic Numbers Summary for the Seven Days Ending March 23: Continued Improvement


Here are the Arizona pandemic numbers and graph of statewide cases for the seven day period ending yesterday:

Everything continues on the downtrend, though cases are declining by smaller amounts every week (as we'd expect). Deaths are going down now, and hospital beds continue decreasing. Maricopa county now lists the community level as "low." Looking at the graph, it's hard to believe how bad things were just two months ago.

Wastewater Fail

As noted in Sunday's post, I had intended to add wastewater numbers to the table, and I did put the one-week and four-week values in there. However, the Pima county numbers have vanished from the CDC site, including historical ones. It's odd because they were there just four days ago. I've sent an email to the dataset owner about this, but have not received a response.  

It's not clear to me when Tempe updates their dashboard. It's currently showing data from two weeks ago, just like it was doing on Sunday.  

I will continue to see if there is a way to make this work, as it's one of the few early warning indicators we have anymore.

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