AZ Pandemic Numbers Summary for the Seven Days Ending March 2: Now With Weekly Data


Here are the Arizona pandemic numbers and and graph of statewide cases for the seven day period ending yesterday:

This is my first summary since the state switched to weekly reporting of data. Before I point out changes, I note that everything is moving in the right direction, and cases are moving below the levels from last fall's Delta surge, hopefully headed for near-zero.


As for changes, first, I an getting data directly form the AzDHS and Maricopa County dashboards. The former now updates on Wednesday, and the latter updates case numbers a day late, which is why I'll be posting this summary on Thursdays instead of Wednesdays. 

Second, obviously the new cases graph can no longer show daily values, but will include numbers from every Wednesday instead. It's not quite as smooth but otherwise no big loss.

Third, you will notice that the past values and change values for vaccinations are blank. That's because in researching the mystery surge in vaccination percentage reported last Sunday I discovered that AzDHS has been treating anyone who has received any shot as "vaccinated" in the percentage they give on their main dashboard page. This is apparently what JHU has been scraping and showing as percent fully vaccinated for Arizona.

Elsewhere on the AzDHS site, they list the number fully vaccinated but not the percent. This strikes me as a little sleazy because they don't give the percent and fully vaccinated is what counts most. I think they are trying to hide this because it makes them look bad. 

Anyway, I am now calculating that percent and listing it in the table, and since I don't have archival data I can't fill in the one and four week values and change. Likewise I can only give the rank after correcting the wrong number in the JHU rankings, so those will have to come later.  This week we are at rank 36, which sounds more reasonable than the 19 rank reported on Sunday.

This Arizona error makes me question the veracity of other numbers in the JHU table, i.e. I wonder if they aren't getting the wrong values for some other states too. I have written them about the inaccurate Arizona numbers.

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