AZ Pandemic Numbers Summary for the Week Ending February 26: For the Last Time on Sunday


Here is the Arizona pandemic numbers summary and graph of seven-day average of new cases for the week just ended:*

This is the last of these Sunday reports I will be able to do because AzDHS has cut its reporting interval from daily to weekly. I will keep doing these summaries, but obviously I won't be able to include any of the graphs that are based on daily data. Also they will be reporting data on Wednesday and I will do the same.

One consequence already this week is that they did not publish hospital bed numbers for yesterday because they stopped daily reporting yesterday and hospital numbers are always a day late. So I imputed yesterday's value by subtracting from Friday's value the average daily decrease over the last week.

Anyway, the table looks really good. Case rates continue to plunge and from the graph you can see that they are continuing to fall below Delta levels last autumn.  

The big surprise in the table is the 7.1% increase in fully vaxxed people, moving us to 68.8% and a rank of 19 among states. I don't know what could explain this. 

We have averaged a 0.5% increase every week since August. I seriously doubt that half a million people suddenly decided to get jabbed over the last week.

Either this is some kind of error of they found some records they had not included before. I hope it's the latter and this is a real number.

Deaths are down factionally again and from the dual axis graph the trend seems to be level, so it will take more time for those to start coming down. This is to be expected.

Hospitals have been reclaiming beds from COVID for weeks now. That continues, which is very good news for the health care system.

* Unless otherwise noted, data are retrieved from the ASU Biodesign Dashboard

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