Mask-Hole Parents are Using Paper Terrorism Against Schools


Just when you think people can't get any crazier, there's this. Mask-hole parents are bombarding schools with fake notices of claim, threatening to file them against their surety bonds if the schools don't do what they want. This includes ending masking policies and various other things.

They're being egged-on by a website and Telegram group called "Bonds for the Win." The website is run by this fruitcake woman in Scottsdale named Miki Klann who thinks the Earth is flat and that AIDS is a hoax.

Here is an example of one of their documents served in Michigan. It lists 15 violations of state, federal, and international law—including the Nuremberg code, naturally—that the school has supposedly committed. All legal experts agree that these claims are 100% bullshit.

This type of bond fraud  is a form of paper terrorism and was innovated by the sovereign citizens movement. They flooded courts with invalid pseudo-legal documents claiming they are not subject to the laws of the U.S. in order to gum-up the legal works.

Now these parents are using the same tactics to harass our schools. So instead of worrying about teaching our children they have to worry about dealing with the loonies.

Speaking of loonies, Klann teamed up with Ron Watkins (pictured above) to test out their awesome legal strategy on the Scottsdale Unified School Board. Watkins is thought by some to be Q of Q-anon fame. His is thought by almost everybody to be a douchebag and goat roper.  

Ron is running for congress in Arizona. I'm so proud!

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