Updates: COVID Dick is Real, Disappointing Arizona Booster Uptake, Urine Drinker Trying to Arrest Governors, Florida Suspends Public Health Official


Here are some updates on previous Corona-zona posts.

COVID Dick is Real

In July of last year, I blogged about a reason males should be afraid of COVID-19: Erectile dysfunction. At that time the reports were anecdotal. Not anymore. This report from Gizmodo covers all the latest research, and the short story is that it's real. Not only can in infection impair one's ability to get it up even after recovery, it can also shrink your member. Yikes! Also there have been reports of sexual dysfunction in women.

Disappointing Arizona Booster Uptake

That update makes it even more puzzling that booster shot update in Arizona is so low.  Back in December, I reckoned that only about 11% of Arizona residents had gotten their booster shot (depending on what you used as the divisor). Now AzDHS is reporting actual numbers and they are not much better. Only 37% of eligible people have gotten their third jab. Why would you get two shots then skip the third?!

Urine Drinker Lives by His Own Rules

A few weeks ago I reported on fruitcake anti-vaxxers who were consuming excrement to prevent COVID-19—instead of getting vaccinated. It featured this COVIDiot Christopher Key who drinks his own urine. Now he's on a cross-country tour in a car plastered with anti-vax messages, driving without a license because he thinks he doesn't need one. His mission: Arrest governors of different states on his route for some reason. Somebody nab this nut-job and poke him into jail, will ya? He shouldn't be hard to spot.

Florida Suspends Public Health Official for Doing His Job

I've regularly blogged about all the pandemic stupidity taking place in Florida. I mean, it's such a target-rich environment. But this one takes the cake: A top Florida Department of Health official has been suspended for encouraging his employees to get vaccinated. Dr. Raul Pino wrote an email to his Orange County staff expressing frustration that only about half of them had gotten vaccinated, and said they were being irresponsible. For doing his job he has not only been suspended but is under criminal investigation for possibly violating Florida public illness laws for mandating vaccines, which he did not do. You couldn't make this stuff up.

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