Maybe This Will Get the Attention of Vaccine Resisters


I have blogged before about long-haul COVID-19 symptoms and why they should make the disease more salient to young people. The CDC has a long list of symptoms that can persist long after the infection recedes. It includes things like breathing difficulties, brain fog, heart palpitations, dizziness, mood changes, rash, diarrhea, and menstrual period changes.

Now it appears there is a new problem, likely to be of greater concern to younger people, particularly males. It appears that COVID-19 can cause male sexual problems.

There is evidence that an infection may cause lasting erectile dysfunction. As pointed out in that link, there is lots of anecdotal support for this idea. But experimental studies have not yet been done comparing males of similar age with similar health who did and did not have COVID-19. 

paper looking at relevant medical literature concludes that it is entirely plausible:

Endothelial dysfunction, subclinical hypogonadism, psychological distress and impaired pulmonary hemodynamics all contribute to the potential onset of ED. Additionally, COVID-19 might exacerbate cardiovascular conditions; therefore, further increasing the risk of ED.

It's all about blood flow and COVID-19 can mess with your blood flow, especially in cases where you develop pneumonia.

Not only may COVID-19 prevent men from getting it up, but also from achieving the penultimate objective. Another paper looks at two case studies of anorgasmia following infection. Yikes!

So, COVID-19 may screw up your sex life in not one, but two different ways. That's a pretty good reason to go get jabbed if you haven't already—Republican men, I'm lookin' at you. 

"Erectile Dysfunction" by fonticulus is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

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