AZ Pandemic Numbers Summary for the Week Ending February 12: Approaching Fall 2021 Levels

 Here is the Arizona pandemic numbers summary and graph of seven-day average of new cases for the week just ended:*

Last week I speculated that we might be back to Fall 2021 levels by now. We are almost there, but the seven-day average departed from a linear decrease and began to tail-out this week, which it totally predictable. 

It looks like another week should do it. The only question is whether we will continue to decline below levels from the fall, which would be awesome. 

All the metrics except deaths continue to show steep declines. Again we see the same in the dual axis graphs for deaths and hospital beds. Deaths continue to lag cases, as is expected. Hospitals continue to see relief:

One odd thing is that we continue climbing in the ranks of states' vaccinated percentage. We've been  averaging an increase of of about a half-percent a week since August. This means we're continuing to bang-out small increases whereas the states we are passing are not. 

I continue to be baffled about why anyone would wait this long to get vaccinated then suddenly change their mind. I'm doubly baffled as to why that would happen more in Arizona than elsewhere!

* Unless otherwise noted, data are retrieved from the ASU Biodesign Dashboard

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