Updates: Florida Fires Back, Disciplining Doctors, Great Resignation, Tennessee, Non-COVIDiot Governor
Today, several updates on matters previously discussed on this blog.
Florida Fires Back at Idaho
Last week, I reported that Idaho was challenging Florida for the title of top COVIDiot state by appointing to a health board a medical doctor who opposes masks and vaccines and supports ivermectin.
Well, Florida was not about to take that challenge lying down! Governor Ron "Florida Man" DeSantis did them one better by making another such medical doctor the state's surgeon general. Take that, Idaho!
Doctors Who Spread Misinformation Are Starting to Face Discipline
I have never understood how medical professional organizations have been able to look the other way while their members dispense disinformation about pandemic-related topics like masks and vaccines. As noted earlier, many of these physicians are doing it to make money. Idaho even appointed one of them to a medical board.
It seems the professional organizations are finally losing patience with these people. A number of organizations are calling for disciplinary action. One guy in Oregon who said masks cause carbon dioxide poisoning has already had his license revoked. It's about time!
The "Great Resignation" Gathers Steam
Back in April I blogged about people being uneasy about going back to the office. Now that movement has gained momentum and people are quitting their jobs in droves, especially mid-career tech employees.
It has come to be called the "great resignation" or the "big quit." It is so much a thing that it even has its own Wikipedia page now. Harvard Business Review is analyzing it, and everythng.
And you read about it first here on Corona-zona. You're welcome!
Tennessee Reserves Regeneron for Unvaccinated
Not All Republican Governors are COVIDiots
We're going to run to the fire and get vaccinated right now, or we're going to pile the body bags up until we reach a point in time to where we have enough people that have natural immunities and enough people that are vaccinated. ...It's too late, West Virginia. It's too late for you to decide, you know, "Oh, we should have gotten vaccinated." You can't stop this now, what's happened in West Virginia. But you can still save your own life, or lives that are around you, by getting vaccinated.