Ducey's Order on Universities is Even Worse Than I Originally Thought


The other day, I did a post criticizing Gov. Doug Ducey's executive order promoting public illness at state funded universities and community colleges.  However, I missed a detail that moves the order into a category beyond asinine. 

As I noted before, the order says schools can't require proof of vaccination, and they can't require people to wear masks. But I missed that it also bans requiring testing for students and employees.  

In other words, Ducey is prohibiting colleges and universities from taking any mitigation steps whatsoever.  Schools can't require vaccinations, the one thing that would make masks and testing unnecessary.  They also can't require masks, which would help prevent infected people from spreading the virus in poorly ventilated classrooms.  But they also can't test to identify infected people and keep them away from people who are uninfected. 

That's straight-up reckless. Testing doesn't threaten anyone's "freedom." Whatever other measures there are or aren't, it's just common sense that you don't want infected people running around colleges and universities, where large numbers of people gather and remix all day, moving around from classroom to classroom. 

Maybe Ducey thinks testing causes cases, as does his nitwit hero the Giant Orange Douche.  It's hard to imagine what else—other than spite or maybe hatred of higher education—could lead to a move like this.

Image by Corona-zona

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