AZ Pandemic Numbers for the Week Ending September 11—Maybe a Real Peak and Decline


Here is the Arizona pandemic numbers summary for the week just ended:

Over the last week we saw the largest declines—in both Maricopa County and the state overall—in the new case rate since early March, when the winter surge was petering-out.  The seven-day statewide average of new cases appears to show a pattern similar to then and July 2020 where the curve gets wobbly and starts to trend down:

You can draw your own conclusions, and this could be a false alarm like a few weeks ago. But it sure looks like our infection rate has peaked and is starting to decline.

Positive test percentage is up, but the fact that this number was going down when cases were going up reminds us that this is not that great a measure because the testing isn't random.  

Hospital beds are up, but only fractionally.  We would expect this number to lag the case rate.

The vaccination numbers continue to be stuck at around 50%, with another factional increase this week:

If Dr. Carmona is doing anything to improve vaccinations, it's not showing yet. In all likelihood, his appointment was just for appearances. Since he's working for a COVIDiot governor, there's nothing he can really do except urge people to get the shot.

But we've been urging people to get jabbed all year—just take a look at the AZDHS Twitter account. The message is falling on deaf ears. 

If nothing changes in terms of week-to-week increase in vaccinations, it will take more than a year for us to hit the 80% population vaccination level.  And that's assuming we don't hit some absolute wall where the percentage never goes up.

Top Image by Shutterbug75 from Pixabay

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