Arizona Positive Test Percentage Downtrend Mystery Solved
As we can see, both positive and negative tests are trending upward, but negative tests are trending upward quite a bit faster than positive ones. That explains why positive test percentage would be trending down. The positive tests are getting lower and lower as a proportion of all tests. But positive tests are still increasing as we would expect given the increasing case rate.
I guess I still tend to think of the tests as being a result of random sampling. But that is wrong. They are in fact driven by self-selection bias. That means people decide to get tested for their own reasons. In this case, people who aren't infected are seeking out a lot more tests.
I'm not sure why, but here is a guess. All the talk of a new wave and these breakthrough infections is making people extra cautious. Even vaccinated people (who we know are much less likely to be infected) are seeking more tests.
In support of this, demand for testing is high in Arizona (and across the country). The DIY home-tests are sold out at my local drugstore, and CVS is limiting how many people can buy. The test data above is not for the DIY tests, but it's an indicator of demand.
Header image is a modified version of one by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay