Anti-Vax Crazy Train is Going Off the Rails: Vigilante Medicine, Attacks on Medical Workers


I know I've said this before, but just when you think people can't get any crazier, they find a way.  According to a story by NBC, there is a movement afoot among anti-vaxxers to convince people that hospitals are killing their loved ones on purpose. Or at least the hospitals are keeping them from getting life-saving "miracle cures." 

Naturally, they're organizing on that cesspool of social media, Facebook. Groups have sprung up urging people to get their loved ones out, and providing advice on how to do so.

Once out, they can receive treatments like ivermectin horse paste, iodine gargles, and (a new one to me) inhaling nebulized hydrogen peroxide. A physician quoted in the article calls this "vigilante medicine," and it's an apt metaphor.  

The vigilantes are trying to science-up this course of treatment by calling it a "protocol." Any day now I expect injections of disinfectants and powerful lights inside the body to be added to the regimen.

And that's not the worst of it. Health care workers are being physically attacked by patients, visitors, and protestors in MassachusettsTexasGeorgia and Idaho. Things have gotten so bad in Missouri that hospital workers in Branson have been given panic buttons attached to their ID badges.

Good God, people have lost their fucking minds! 

You know, I think maybe we should just let any one of these people who wants to go out of the hospital. It will serve as a kind of natural selection. It will also free up space for people who have non-preventable illness who are currently being crowded out by the COVIDiots.

As for the people attacking health care workers, I say lock them up for a good long time. I don't care how stressed they are when the commit these attacks. Medical workers are quitting in droves, and this only makes things worse for them. 

There is a large but silent majority of us who are responsible, have gotten vaccinated, don't believe in Granny Clampett medicine, and would never think of attacking anyone—much less a health care worker.  I'll go out on a limb and speak for the group by saying we would really like to have a health care system left when all this is over.

Image by allenrobert from Pixabay 

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