Anti-vaxxers Are Gargling with Iodine Now and Squirting It In Their Noses and Eyes


Just when you think anti-vaxxers can't get any stupider, they find a way. The latest fad is trying to prevent coronavirus infections with Betadine, a form of iodine.

According to an article in Rolling Stone, people are using the stuff by gargling, spraying it in their noses, and putting drops in their eyes. One ER physician quoted in the article, when he was told people were doing this, said “Fuck me! Of course they are.”

Betadine is used almost exclusively as an external disinfectant for surgery, etc. It is not meant to be ingested, and can cause iodine poisoning if someone ingests too much.  Like they might do by, say, gargling with it regularly.

Hey, I know! Why be so timid? I think these anti-vaxxers should inject it directly into their lungs.  T**** said it would work.  That should be good enough for them.

Now, boys and girls, let's review. The BEST way to prevent COVID-19 is to get vaccinated. There is no longer any reasonable question that the vaccines are safe. Only COVIDiots use things like this, horse paste, and malaria medicine when they could have a safe, effective vaccine.

"BETADINE" by Afiq Nor is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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