How Bad Are Things in Japan, Really?

Last night on the news I heard/saw rather breathless coverage of how bad the coronavirus outbreak is becoming in Japan. A "frightening spike" in cases according to the BBC . "Record breaking cases" leading to and expanded "state of emergency" according to NPR . One conjures images of Godzilla wreaking havoc on Tokyo. Everybody has been expecting things to go south over there, given the country's low vaccination rate . A reliable source told me the low rate is partly because the Japanese got started very late with vaccinations. That's because they believe they are "genetically distinct" and wouldn't approve vaccines for use until they had been clinically tested on Japanese people. M'kay. Now infections are cranking up just in time for the "2020" Olympics. But how bad are things over there, really? Well, no doubt cases are spiking. Here is a chart from Our World in Data showing the seven-day trailing average over the ...