AZ Pandemic in Numbers for the Week Ending June 5


Here are the Arizona pandemic numbers for the week just ended:

Infection rates are looking good!  After the slight rise last week I was worried we might be starting another surge, because June is when things became so bad last year.  But this week things are headed in the right direction by non-fractional amounts.  There are more s-gene dropouts, so the UK variant (or alpha or beta, or whatever they're calling it now) is more prevalent.  Perhaps that's why hospital beds are up modestly.

The vaccination accelerometer, on the other hand does not look so good:

This week exceeded last week by less than half a percent for both measures. This is worrisome because we don't yet have half the population receiving one shot, and only one-third are fully vaccinated.  It's further evidence of a flattening curve.

Top Image by Shutterbug75 from Pixabay

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