AZ Pandemic Numbers Summary for the Seven Days Ending February 15: Most Measures Increase an Average 20%


Here are the Arizona pandemic numbers and graph of statewide cases for the seven day period ending Wednesday:

Most numbers are up and the changes average +20%. These are increases are small in absolute terms because they are a percent increase on an already-small number. Nonetheless we'd prefer to see the numbers going in the other direction.

The good news is that hospitalizations are continuing a downtrend. That is our most reliable indicator of serious illness. 

I don't know what is going on with Tempe. Maybe they're updating their wastewater numbers only every other week now? January 29 was the latest data both last week and this week.

I have reset the scale of the y-axis on the case graph to a more reasonable range now that the past year no longer includes the January 2022 peak. We are at approximately the same lows as we saw last April and October. At those times the line did not stay flat for as long as it has recently.

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