AZ Pandemic Numbers Summary for the Seven Days Ending November 30: With a Grain of Salt

Here are the Arizona pandemic numbers and graph of statewide cases for the seven day period ending yesterday:

Statewide cases are down a little and Maricopa County cases are up a little, but I'm skeptical that this indicates we have passed a peak. There was a holiday last week and holidays always screw up AzDHS reporting. I expect to see a large increase next week.

Supporting the idea that we are still surging is the hospitals number increasing by 17%. Deaths are down, which is good, but there's no telling when those numbers are from. As noted previously, some public health people I know thinks those could have something like an 8-10 week lag.

Wastewater numbers are up or down a little, except Yavapai which more than doubled. Pima is still increasing and set a new 2022 record.

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