Anti-vaxxers' Efforts Spilling Over to Other Diseases


I have blogged a lot about anti-vaxxers and their efforts. The main players are scumbags who are in it for the money

They frighten people about COVID vaccines that have been administered to over five billion people by now (with, by the way, zero cases of spontaneous combustion or limbs falling off). They do this so they can sell people quack cures, raking in millions.

It would be bad enough if they were just stopping people from getting a life-saving COVID vaccine. But recent polling by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that there is a spillover effect to vaccinations for other diseases.

Here is a table showing a decrease from pre-pandemic to present in the number of people who say the benefits of childhood vaccinations outweigh the risks:

As noted in the caption, the good news is that most people feel like the benefits outweigh the risks. On the other hand all the figures have decreased, and 20% parents of children who are young enough to get vaccinations don't them to have it.

The link to COVID anti-vaxxers becomes clearer in additional results. About 10% more people across all the categories think parents should be able to skip the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines for their kids. When they look only at people who've not had the COVID vaccines, 60% think this.

This is the kind of attitude that leads to measles outbreaks, like the current one in Ohio. Enjoy your filthy lucre "Dr." Mercola, Bolingers, Erin Elizabeth, et al. You have already killed people by thruning them against a safe and effective COVID vaccine. Now you're causing disease to spread among kids. 

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