AZ Pandemic Numbers Summary for the Seven Days Ending November 2: More Red Ink


Here are the Arizona pandemic numbers and graph of statewide cases for the seven day period ending yesterday:

This week again, there are increases in cases and hospital beds. As noted last week, the hospital beds increases are of particular concern because they aren't biased by lack of access to testing and spotty reporting like the case numbers are.

Deaths are down a little. That's good and the rate remains low overall. But again those numbers are probably lagging by weeks owing to AzDHS reporting delays and it is a lagging indicator to begin with.

Wastewater signals are a mixed bag. There are small increases to moderate decreases. Except for Mohave County, they are not up over four weeks.

Once again, Tempe did not report numbers for the most recent period. Hopefully that is temporary and they will resume those next week.

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