Alberta Premier Danielle Smith Allegedly Taking Ivermectin


A recent thread on Reddit's r/facepalm list claims that the Premier of Alberta Province in Canada, Danielle Smith, is taking Ivermectin. In the video that accompanies the thread she shows a box among other medications. She is coy about what it is, but it has to be Ivermectin given the things she is saying:

It's a prescribed drug, that's all I can tell you. A prescribed drug. And there are some doctors who prescribe certain kinds of drugs. But as you saw the College of Physicians and Surgeons and pharmacists have said they're going to fire any doctor who tries to prescribe anything for treatment of symptoms. So maybe I got the last prescription in Canada that was available. But here I am in the United States taking an illicit drug. Can you believe it? In Canada you can take pretty well whatever you want. Go to a safe injection site an inject yourself with heroin. But you only break the law if you try to take something that will mitigate against blood clots in case you get a vaccine. This is the world we live in,

Wow there us a lot I could unpack there. Why she is in the United States taking her illicit drug from Canada? We could also ask: Why is it an illicit drug and why does she have to hide it if she has a prescription? But those things would be off topic for this blog.

Let's focus instead on her claim that it will "mitigate against blood clots in case you get a vaccine." That is a new one on me. According to NIH, the only claim about Ivermectin is that it allegedly slows viral replication in case of an infection.  

But let's be clear, it doesn't even do that. NIH says so. It has been shown again and again in large, well designed clinical trials.

But, hey, COVIDiots don't need no stiiiiiinking agencies or clinical trials! They are perfectly capable of doing their own research on the complex physiological effects of obscure drugs. Anyway the Orange Traitor says horse paste good. That's all you really need to know.

Beyond the blood clots claim, I'm not sure why she is talking about countering effects of a vaccine. Although Smith hasn't come right out and called herself one, she talks like an anti-vaxxer. She has previously called the unvaccinated "the most discriminated [against] group" and wants them to be protected under Canadian human rights laws.

It's good to hear from the premier that there are some doctors who prescribe certain kinds of drugs. I was thinking maybe there are some doctors who prescribe uncertain kinds of drugs, like in this case. But now I know.

Finally, the Canadian College of Physicians and Surgeons is going to "fire any doctor who tries to prescribe anything for treatment of symptoms"? This is outrageous! The main things doctors do is  prescribe things for the treatment of symptoms. The College is clearly trying to destroy the Canadian medical system! 

All this goes to show once more that the fact that you're elected to office doesn't mean that you're smart.

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