Roundup: Cable News & Vaccine, Ivermectin Fail, Vaccine Side Effects, Personality Change, Baby-Bump

I used to do these roundup posts more frequently, when pandemic news was coming in so fast and furious that even my (then) daily posts couldn't keep up. As it happens, the last couple of weeks has produced several tidbits that are too limited for their own post, but still worthy of sharing. One Cable News Outlet (Guess Which One) Causes Vaccine Hesitancy A recent study published in in Nature looked at how watching a certain cable news outlet causes increased vaccine hesitancy. The researchers used exogenous (i.e. not study related) geographical variation in the channel lineup to tease out the causal effects. They controlled for differences in partisanship, local health policies, local COVID-19 infections/death rates, and consumption of other major television networks. The network in question is—wait for it—Fox News. I for one am shocked. SHOCKED! Every one additional hour watching Fox News per week for the average household reduced the number of vaccinati...