Three Measles Cases Detected in Maricopa County


Health officials have announced the discovery of three cases of measles in Maricopa County. "One case is an adult and the other two are in minors. One case was hospitalized. All three are unvaccinated, and they are all recovering."

This isn't exactly shocking. Back in 2015 the CDC said Arizona had the worst vaccination rate of any state in the country. I can't find any more recent state ranking data, but this story says the rate continues to decline and now stands at around 90% in Arizona. That's 8% below the level necessary for population immunity.

This development comes in the wake of the pandemic. Anti-vaxxers have treated it as a golden opportunity to grow their brand, leading to increased sales of their quack cures and remedies.  

Now, more parents are holding back on vaccinations of any kind. Jason Terk, MD, a pediatrician practicing in Keller, Texas said: “It’s becoming much more challenging for me to convince people to get their kids vaccinated.” As a result “[w]e will become reacquainted with some of these diseases that we thought were relegated to history.”

Will it take a wave of deaths from preventable childhood diseases to scare some sense into these parents? I have my doubts. A wave of deaths from another preventable disease hasn't moved the COVIDiots much. Why should it be any different when their kids die?


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