AZ Pandemic Numbers Summary for the Seven Days Ending September 28: Now This Looks Pretty Good


Here are the Arizona pandemic numbers and graph of statewide cases for the seven day period ending yesterday:

Only a couple of red numbers in the table, one an increase in Pima County wastewater over a week, and another for Mohave County over a month. Otherwise everything looks good!

I managed to get Maricopa County numbers back by getting the data from the New York Times. The Maricopa County dashboard is still broken for me. 

Tempe wastewater numbers are back down after a huge jump last week (or to be more exact two weeks ago because the numbers are lagged). I wonder what accounts for those spikes. 

They never seem to be associated with increase in hospitalizations, so you've got to wonder how well they are tracking infections. The people who do wastewater surveillance emphasize that a link between those observations and disease has not yet been proven. Hard to know what else they'd be tracking, though.

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