AZ Pandemic Numbers Summary for the Seven Days Ending August 31: Mixed Picture But Still Looks Good

Here are the Arizona pandemic numbers and graph of statewide cases for the seven day period ending yesterday:

We have some red numbers in the one-week change column again this week, after none last week. But they don't seem like much to worry about. Cases are up slightly at the state level but down a lot at the Maricopa County level.

I note that back in the spring there was another week where we had a setback. It's visible in the case graph on March 30. Cases jumped back up temporarily before going down again. Maybe we're in a cycle like that again?

Deaths are up a little. But as noted before that is a lagging indicator, and possibly for more reasons than the time it takes for serious disease to develop (i.e. state reporting delays).

Wastewater samples show a small increase in Pima County, and a more substantial one in Yavapai County. But there are decreases everywhere else.  

This brings me to Tempe. You may remember they didn't report last week. Turns out that was due to an administrative issue, and they have now reported last week's and this week's (loosely speaking, because the numbers are always ten days old by the time I report them on Thursday).

Contrary to what I expected, the Tempe numbers did not continue increasing last week after a huge jump the previous week. They decreased sharply last week, and by another 32% in this week's report. 

That kind of blows my theory that the increase two weeks back was due to returning ASU students. Surely more have returned since then, so who knows what was going on. In any case glad to see these numbers going down.

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