Blake Masters Develops Amnesia, Goes Full COVIDiot
Blake Masters is a candidate for Senate from Arizona. He is also a knuckle-dragging right wing extremist. During his primary campaign he claimed that black people are responsible for gun violence, said he thinks Ted Kaczynski had some great ideas, pushed the "great replacement" conspiracy theory, and complained about the immigrant "invasion."
There's only one problem: The "full MAGA jacket" is not a good look for a general election where about two-thirds of Arizona voters are not Republican cult members. So he is furiously peddling toward the middle by focusing on "cultural issues" (link could be paywalled).
Chief among them is the government's pandemic response:
They locked down and we can never forget this. These Democrats, they shut down their states. They shut down businesses. They shut down schools. They gave up on our children, of course, and they locked people inside for no reason.
The Unabomber fanboy went on to complain that the CDC's new guidance proves they didn't know what they were doing all along:
They even admit now, their guidance, their advice doesn't change whether you're vaccinated or unvaccinated. And they'll change it after November, right? In other words, two years of persecution, two years of incompetence, two years of economic destruction, can be summed up in two words. "Just kidding.”
You know, it gets pretty tiresome responding to moronic statements like these. But somebody has got to do it.
First, it wasn't just "these Democrats" who shut down their states. Why, here in Arizona even fellow COVIDiot Governor Doug Ducey ordered a shutdown.
Second, they didn't "shut down schools," they moved students to online instruction. That's not the same as "giving up" on them.
Third, they didn't "lock people inside" (it's China who did that) and restrictions were not "for no reason." It was because there was no vaccine. People were dying at alarming rates. Bodies were being stored in refrigerated trucks. Our health care system was on the verge of collapse.
Remember that, Blake? Have you developed amnesia, or is two years just outside of your attention span?
Finally regarding the new guidance, the only thing that doesn't change based on vaccination status is the recommendation for what to do if you're exposed. The guidance explicitly says people should be up-to-date on their vaccinations. So I truly don't know WTF he's talking about here.
Luckily for us, Mr. Masters is underperforming and has had funding cut off by the Republican senate campaign committee. A poll—by Fox News no less—shows him 8 points down in the race.
That's great. The last thing we need is more COVIDiots and extremists in the Senate.