Arizona Republicans Pass on Anti-Mitigation "Parent Activist" for Superintendent of Public Instruction


The recent Republican primary nominated people like Qrazy Qari Lake for governor and goat roper Mark Finchem for Secretary of State. This makes it tempting to conclude that they have drunk the Kool Aid and gone all-in to nominate the most extreme MAGA crazies they could find.

But there are at least some exceptions. Ron Watkins (another goat roper) came in last in the District 2 primary. 

They also rejected  Shiry Sapir (link may be paywalled) as their candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction. The latest results I can find show Tom Horne leading her by 9%.

Sapir is a Scottsdale real estate broker/investor who became a "parent activist" after she became enraged at school closures and mask mandates during the pandemic. Besides wanting to expose kids to more disease, her ambition was also to prohibit a list of topics like slavery and LGBTQ rights from being taught in schools. 

I'm unable to find Horne on-record about pandemic measures. But he sounds pretty much just like Sapir on the culture war front. Horne is your standard wing-nut conservative, so he's probably also in favor of disease for kids. But at least he didn't make it an issue in his campaign?

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