AZ Pandemic Numbers Summary for the Seven Days Ending July 27: Some Improvement Over Last Week


Here are the Arizona pandemic numbers and graph of statewide cases for the seven day period ending yesterday:

Things this week look better than last week. Case rates are down at the state level by a little, as is Maricopa County, with a four-week decrease as well. Again we should take case statistics with a grain or two of salt.  But the graph shows that we've been basically flat for the last six weeks.

Deaths are up a little—the percentage is up though the raw numbers look the same because of rounding. Hospital inpatient beds are up a little too. Neither of these is increasing at rapid rates.

Wastewater signals continue to skyrocket in Yavapai County, which set another 2022 record this week. After setting records last week, Pima and Mohave counties are down. Tempe is showing a big increase, however.

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