AZ Pandemic Numbers Summary for the Seven Days Ending June 22: Signs of Moderation?

Here are the Arizona pandemic numbers and graph of statewide cases for the seven day period ending yesterday:

Overall, not too bad looking! Cases are down around 5% for both the state overall and for Maricopa County. Wastewater signals are decreasing or nearly flat except for Mohave County. 

The death rate has almost doubled, but that is to be expected as it's a lagging indicator. Also it's still low in absolute terms. Hospital beds are up but not by much and we're still not seeing the kind if acceleration is usage we have in past waves.

When I went to add the test positivity rate, the Mayo Clinic site had this notice: "These data are not available for the state of Arizona at this time, due to lack of reliable reporting for negative test results." Sonora Quest is no longer reporting this data at all. 

So I guess there's another leading indicator we don't have anymore. Makes me wonder whether the state is taking the strategy: Don't talk about it and people will forget about it.

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