Test-to-Treat is Up and Running In Arizona


The ASPR/HHS Test to Treat program is now running in Arizona (Hat Tip u/OverPalpitation4845 on Reddit). At participating locations you can be tested for COVID-19 and if positive walk away with a course of treatment for Paxlovid anti-viral medication.

To find a location near you, click here and enter your zip code.  My zip code had 176 locations within a 10 mile radius. You get two kinds of results: Places with test-to-treat programs, and places that can fill Paxlovid prescriptions if you have one from your physician.

I looked at some of the locations in less densely populated areas of Arizona. They have few to none of the test-to-treat, but enough of the fill-prescription sites. I guess if you live those areas you need to see your physician to get a prescription.

Paxlovid is said to be extremely effective in preventing severe disease. The only problems I have heard about with it are a sometimes nasty taste in your mouth, and a tendency of about two percent of users to have a relapse about a week after ending treatment.

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