AZ Pandemic Numbers Summary for the Seven Days Ending May 11: Increases Continue


Here are the Arizona pandemic numbers and graph of statewide cases for the seven day period ending yesterday:

Everything is trending up except deaths and hospital beds. I expect those won't be too far behind. Also now there are increases over four weeks as well as over one week. 

Though again—for context—we are not seeing values for anything as high as the worst this year, we are seeing upward trends now for three weeks, and the weekly change is increasing. This is almost identical  to what things looked like at the end of June and beginning of July last year when the Delta wave was cranking up.

If this is a new wave, which it is starting to look like, we could be in for trouble. The Arizona health emergency declaration is cancelled. AzDHS has stopped reporting hospitalizations and is only reporting cases once a week. Federal pandemic money has dried up amid partisan squabbling, which means (among other things) no more free testing. Almost nobody is wearing masks anymore.

One other note: For some reason, Yavapai wastewater values are not updating on the BioBot site. I don't know if this means they have stopped doing testing up there or there is some reporting snafu.

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