Arizona Set to Pass Two Pro-Pandemic Laws
Arizona is on course to pass two laws to make pandemics spread more efficiently (HT @willhumble_az on Twitter). They appear to be do-overs to compensate for the legislature's fail at attaching similar measures to a budget bill last year.
One bans mask requirements in schools. H.B. 2616
Prohibits the state or a political subdivision, governmental entity, school district or charter school from requiring a person under 18 years of age to wear a mask or face covering without the express consent of the person's parent or guardian.
And that's it. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are. Some virus could come along that spreads like measles and kills three-quarters of the people it infects. Schools would be powerless to prevent its spread. What breathtaking stupidity.
The other, H.B. 2498
Prohibits the state or any political subdivision that receives or uses tax revenues (governmental entity) from requiring an Arizona resident to receive a vaccination for COVID-19 or any variant of COVID-19.
At least this one is only targeted at COVID-19, and doesn't extend to private businesses.
I would contact the governor and my representatives at the legislature to oppose these bills, and urge you to do the same. But really, what's the point? None of them care that a majority of Arizonans support mask and vaccine mandates when they're needed.
COVIDiots gonna idiot, and they are firmly in charge of state government.