Schools in AZ and Elsewhere Are Getting Hammered by Omicron


Schools have been under stress due to the pandemic, but now Omicron is making things worse. A lot worse.

Here in Arizona, staffing company Educational Services Inc. says they have seen a 10%-20% increase in absences, depending on the district. Phoenix Union district is reporting "between 10% and 15% staff absences and around 15% to 16% student absences."

Some substitutes are staying away too, in no small part because of our governor's public illness campaign. One substitute teacher on reddit said:

I just saw that Peoria Unified was contemplating having kids sick with covid, back at school after 5 days.... Masks are optional. I'm a substitute, and this is why I will not substitute anymore.

It's not only happening here. The situation is similar in Florida, where they are also experiencing a shortage of bus drivers.  

My sister, who is a high school teacher in Illinois, tells me that her district is so desperate for substitutes they are trying to attract them with pay offers of $300 per day—more than the full-time teachers make. That's got to be great for morale!

Buribo tracks school disruptions. They report a huge spike with "5225 schools starting a period of disruption (not offering in-person learning) of one or more days during the week beginning January 2nd." They note that this figure includes 653 Chicago Public Schools affected by a "work action," so not all disruptions are due to infections per se.

But it's still pandemic related. The "work action" is a demand by the union to go back to remote instruction. That's something unions are agitating for elsewhere too, filling parents' hearts with dread.

Burbio presents a heat map showing that school disruptions over the past month are worst in the Mid-Atlantic and Upper Midwest:

There is practically nothing in Arizona, or anywhere else in the Southwest for that matter. At least here, that could be because of our damn-the-torpedoes approach to pandemic schooling. 

Or it could be that burbio's tracking is not equally good in all areas. They show nothing for Florida but as noted above local media are reporting closures.

Whatever the case, it's worrisome that this could mean we're only getting started here in State 48.

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