AZ Pandemic Numbers for the Week Ending January 15: Bad to Worse


Here is the Arizona pandemic numbers summary for the week ending January 15 and the statewide new cases seven-day average graph:

Well, read it and weep. The seven-day average of cases continues to rocket upward. Cases statewide increased almost 2.5X over the week. I suppose it's slightly encouraging that they are up only 1.7X in the state's largest county. 

Deaths are only up fractionally, though as I noted last week those tend to lag new cases by quite a bit.  Hospitalizations are up 10% over a month and 4% over a week. 

Here are the cases versus deaths and hospital beds. I have changed the hospital beds graph so the beds line is green when negative (freeing beds) and red when positive (consuming beds). I really feel sorry for people working in hospitals right now. At least some of the pressure came off for them over the holidays.

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