Update: Antigen Tests & Omicron, Home Tests Not Getting Reported
Two updates on testing. Antigen Tests Less Sensitive to Omicron On Wednesday I blogged about the challenges the new Omicron variant is posing for testing. Essentially, you can have antigen tests that are fast and inaccurate or PCR tests that are slow and accurate. Antigen tests are just barely satisfactory for symptomatic cases (false negatives in 1 of 4 to 1 of 8 tests), and they are basically useless for asymptomatic cases (false negatives in 1 of 2 to 1 of 3 tests). Even that assumes the tests work for Omicron. Well yesterday the FDA announced that antigen tests are less sensitive to Omicron than other variants. They don't have information on how much less sensitive they are but are working to get that info. They are also trying to learn why and think the tests can be adjusted to compensate once they know. Dr. Fauci is quoted in this article: "What the FDA is saying today is that when you look at Omicron and its ability to detect Omicron, some of the tests have a dimin...