Crazy Anti-Vaxxers Forced into Jab by Mandates Try Detox & Unjection Schemes


Those whacky anti-vaxxers. They're getting forced into being vaccinated by employer mandates. But they're not taking it lying down! They're turning to a whole slew of folk remedies to "detox" their bodies, as well as more extreme measures. 

There is an instruction manual for sale on Amazon. Chiropractors are getting in on the act, advising people to take supplements like glutathione, and to eat stuff like activated charcoal, chlorella, cilantro, and garlic to "help grab those heavy metals and bring them with when they exit the body."

Others are turning to detox baths. Recommended formulations include "baking soda, epsom salts, and benonite [sic] clay to remove radiation, unspecified poisons, and nanotechnologies."

Needless to say there are more extreme options. One is to add borax to the bath. But that is dangerous. Borax is used as "a cleaning agent used in detergents, enamel glazes, insecticides and mould treatments" and is “a potentially caustic and harmful substance.”

Even crazier, some people are recommending mechanical methods.  These include "cupping" the area after making small incisions around the injection site, and trying to "unject" the vaccine by drawing it out with a hypodermic needle. Yikes!

Most of these cures seem relatively harmless. If you want to bathe in clay and Epsom salts and eat garlic and cilantro and that makes you feel less anxious, that's fine. But bathing in insecticide and jabbing yourself with needles is another matter.

Most importantly none of these methods work. “Once you’re injected, the lifesaving vaccination process has already begun. You can’t unring a bell. It’s just not physically possible,” said one virologist. It happens "by the time you get to your car," said another.

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