AZ Pandemic Numbers for the Week Ending November 20—Worst Since Last Winter and Climbing


Here is the Arizona pandemic numbers summary for the week just ended:

All the metrics continue in the wrong direction. Hospitalizations are accelerating, going up 3.3% this week versus 2.4% last week. How long do you suppose it will be before we start seeing those reports of "crisis-level" hospital loads here?

We have now surpassed the summer peak of 3,741 cases per day (seven-day average). The current figure is 3,845. 

That means we are at the highest case rate since last winter's surge (pre-vaccine). And as you can see from the following, the trendline over the last month is not good:

Vaccination Fail Continues

Unsurprisingly, the vaccination accelerometer continues to show anemic growth:

I ask again: What the hell is Dr. Carmona, our vaccination czar, doing? He was appointed on Sept. 18 and is paid $400 per hour as a consultant. That's $16,000 per week if he's billing a full 40 hours per week. His stated strategy was to keep doing more of what we were already doing.

Well, that has not worked out. If we look at the trendline of the accelerometer from two weeks prior to his appointment until now, we can see it is not just holding steady but declining:

I measured the slope of the trendline and it indicates we are decelerating over the last three months by 0.02% per week, on average. 

I'm sure Dr. Carmona is a nice guy, but he's failing at his assigned task. We should not be paying someone tens of thousands of dollars a week of taxpayer money to fail.

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