A Huge Raspberry for COVIDiot and Liar Aaron Rodgers

[I dedicate this post to my sister, who hates Aaron Rodgers with unbridled passion.]

As you may have heard, Packers Quarterback Aaron Rodgers is in hot water. He was asked at a press conference if he was vaccinated, and he said "yes I'm immunized." Last week he was diagnosed with COVID-19.

That's because he was lying. He wasn't really immunized. Instead he took a homeopathic treatment to "raise his antibody levels." 

He asked the league and players association to accept this treatment, but they wouldn't. That's because homeopathy doesn't work. It's quackery par excellence. Even the Russians (who are no strangers to questionable medical practices) say it's BS

So Rodgers got caught. Now he's being called out for his dishonesty, not least by Terry Bradshaw. And he's none to happy about being held accountable.

He insists he didn't lie—as if the only way he could have lied was to say he'd had the vaccine. He lied  using word games. It's like if someone asked if you have a degree, and you answered "yes, I went to college." See, it's the "yes" part that's the lying.

Now he's going full-on T**** mode, lashing out at his critics. He's whining that he's "in the crosshairs of the woke mob," is the victim of a "witch hunt," and that people are telling "blatant lies" about him. 

Rodgers's fiancé Shailene Woodly is getting in on the act too. She's claiming the media are trying to "make a story out of nothing,” telling them they're "grasping at straws my dears …” Terry Bradshaw doesn't think so, honey.

Poor Aaron. It's all so unfair!!!

To round-out his COVIDiot credentials, Rodgers is taking Ivermectin horse paste to treat his COVID-19. Because of course he is! If you're taking a treatment that doesn't immunize you, it makes perfect sense to take a drug that doesn't treat the disease.

For a companion screed to this post, have a look at this piece by Julie DeCaro over at Deadspin.

 Image by Łukasz Cwojdziński from Pixabay 

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