Florida School Quarantining Vaxxed Kids—Whaaat?


Most posts about Florida on this blog are about the dumb things their governor regularly does. But today, there is a new example of Florida COVIDiocy, this time from a school.

Center Academy, a private school in Florida, has enacted a policy saying that students who get vaccinated must quarantine for 30 days afterward. Google has several listings for Center Academy in Florida, and the news story doesn't single out one. So I assume the policy applies to all of them.

The policy says kids have the be quarantined after each shot. They are urging parents not to get their kids vaccinated until next summer so they won't have to miss two months of school under this policy. 

The school said the "policy was enacted as a prudent precautionary measure after much thoughtful deliberation." One wonders how thoughtful the deliberation could have been, given that the vaccines neither contain nor produce any virus that can be spread. 

Had their thoughtful deliberation included looking at a CDC page that dispels this myth (and others) about the vaccines they would have learned this. Or maybe they could have asked their science teachers to weigh in.

Or perhaps they did ask science teachers to weight in and still landed with this policy.  If I were a parent with a student in this school, I'd be looking for someplace less ignorant to teach my child. 


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