Brilliant Ideas for a COVID-19 Halloween Display


TikTok user Linda McAffee posted a brief video of her COVID-19 Halloween display. It's brilliant. 

She has plastic skeletons holding signs that say "I refuse to live afraid," "I don't know what's in it," "personal freedum," "bathed in the blood," (with Christian symbols), "government conspiracy" (with pictures of sheep), and my personal fave "I did my own research" (with social media icons).

It has 391K likes and 74K shares. Comments include those from people who say they intend to steal the idea.

A similar display went up in North Carolina. It features a 13 foot skeleton with a sign "Not vaccinated, see you soon, idiots!"  There is also a tombstone with signs "I listened to T****" and "I got my news from Fox."

A guy in a Chicago suburb erected a display with tombstones carrying messages like “Proudly anti-vax,” “I’d rather die than comply,” “Ivermectin believer,” “Yes, honey, I will wear my mask,” “COVID, no problem” and “I did my own research.” They were defaced with spray paint soon after they went up, but the owner intends to redo them, and keep redoing them.

Kudos to all these people trolling the COVIDiots. I hope others follow suit. Why, I may consider doing such a display myself!

Image by Linda McAffee

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